Kiora Angel
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Kiora Angel ~ Lycanthrope ~ WereWolf

My name is Kiora Angel and I am 18 years old. I was born into a loving family and four brothers and sisters, I was the middle child. I grew up happy, but was three years ago...

We were attacked by a rogue pack of lycans, all except for me died that day...I am now alone with scars covering my body...but what can I rest for the wicked I guess...

My Family Chart:

Mother: Rebecca Angel...only 50

Father: Fiore Angel...only 55

Brother: Deecan Angel...only 23

Sister: Jasmine Angel...only 19

Me: Kiora Angel...I was only 15

Brother: Mage Angel...only 10

Brother: Crimson Angel...only 3




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  Edit a custom page for your Web site: This is the ideal place to design your own custom page, filled with whatever you can imagine from products, pictures, fan clubs, links or just more information.



Slit My Wrists And Let Me Die Crying